Swimming Pace Chart
The following chart is a great reference tool for any swimmer. The chart provides general paces in minutes and seconds for set distances from 100 yards (or meters) to a one-hour swim. To use the chart, select a shorter distance (such as 100 yards or meters) and time yourself in a moderately paced swim. Record your time, and use this as a base for swims of longer distances.
100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 800 | 1000 | 1500 | 1650 | Hour |
1:00 | 2:00 | 3:00 | 4:00 | 5:00 | 6:00 | 8:00 | 10:00 | 15:00 | 16:30 | 6,000 |
1:05 | 2:10 | 3:15 | 4:20 | 5:25 | 6:30 | 8:40 | 10:50 | 16:15 | 17:52 | 5,535 |
1:10 | 2:20 | 3:30 | 4:40 | 5:50 | 7:00 | 9:20 | 11:40 | 17:30 | 19:15 | 5,140 |
1:15 | 2:30 | 3:45 | 5:00 | 6:15 | 7:30 | 10:00 | 12:30 | 18:45 | 20:37 | 4,800 |
1:20 | 2:40 | 4:00 | 5:20 | 6:40 | 8:00 | 10:40 | 13:20 | 20:00 | 22:00 | 4,500 |
1:25 | 2:50 | 4:15 | 5:40 | 7:05 | 8:30 | 11:20 | 14:10 | 21:15 | 23:22 | 4,235 |
1:30 | 3:00 | 4:30 | 6:00 | 7:30 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 22:30 | 24:45 | 4,000 |
1:35 | 3:10 | 4:45 | 6:20 | 7:55 | 9:30 | 12:40 | 15:50 | 23:45 | 26:07 | 3,785 |
1:40 | 3:20 | 5:00 | 6:40 | 8:20 | 10:00 | 13:20 | 16:40 | 25:00 | 27:30 | 3,600 |
1:45 | 3:30 | 5:15 | 7:00 | 8:45 | 10:30 | 14:00 | 17:30 | 26:15 | 28:52 | 3,425 |
1:50 | 3:40 | 5:30 | 7:20 | 9:10 | 11:00 | 14:40 | 18:20 | 27:30 | 30:15 | 3,270 |
1:55 | 3:50 | 5:45 | 7:40 | 9:35 | 11:30 | 15:20 | 19:10 | 28:45 | 31:37 | 3,130 |
2:00 | 4:00 | 6:00 | 8:00 | 10:00 | 12:00 | 16:00 | 20:00 | 30:00 | 33:00 | 3,000 |
2:05 | 4:10 | 6:15 | 8:20 | 10:25 | 12:30 | 16:40 | 20:50 | 31:15 | 34:22 | 2,880 |
2:10 | 4:20 | 6:30 | 8:40 | 10:50 | 13:00 | 17:20 | 21:40 | 32:30 | 35:45 | 2,765 |
2:15 | 4:30 | 6:45 | 9:00 | 11:15 | 13:30 | 18:00 | 22:30 | 33:45 | 37:07 | 2,665 |
2:20 | 4:40 | 7:00 | 9:20 | 11:40 | 14:00 | 18:40 | 23:20 | 35:00 | 38:30 | 2,570 |
2:30 | 5:00 | 7:30 | 10:00 | 12:30 | 15:00 | 20:00 | 25:00 | 37:30 | 41:15 | 2,400 |
2:40 | 5:20 | 8:00 | 10:40 | 13:20 | 16:00 | 21:20 | 26:40 | 40:00 | 44:00 | 2,250 |
2:50 | 5:40 | 8:30 | 11:20 | 14:10 | 17:00 | 22:40 | 28:20 | 42:30 | 46:45 | 2,115 |
3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 24:00 | 30:00 | 45:00 | 49:30 | 2,000 |
For example, a swimmer does 100 yards comfortably in 2:00. Theoretically, this swimmer should be able to do a 200 in 4:00, a 300 in 6:00, etc. If you find you cannot maintain your pace for longer swims, try a modified pace.
This chart is also useful for swimmers who want to do repeats using interval training. One example is five repeats of 100 yards (or 5 x 100's). If you can swim 100 yards comfortably in 1:45 with no rest, you might want to add 10 or 15 seconds rest and do the set of 100's on an interval of 1:55 or 2:00. This interval will allow you to complete the swim, plus get enough rest time to catch your breath before continuing. Repeat interval training is a great way to work toward swimming at a faster pace, which could ultimately benefit your level of fitness.
This chart provides paces between 1:00 and 3:00 per 100 yards or meters -- and it goes up to an hour swim -- but whatever your pace, the chart provides a good foundation for calculating your pace.