Zone Committee

September 25, 1997

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Committee Members present: J. Donnelly, J. Krauser, L. Letendre, Julie Paque, S. Schofield, S Thompson, S Walsh, K. Wingenroth, E Zander.

Meet The Candidates Night: A discussion of the this evening's events was held. The physical arrangements were described. Stephanie will ask the questions which will be checked by committee members for clarity. Ice cream will be provided.

Zone Chairman election: Election will be held in room 4052. The candidates will be given 3 minutes to speak to the committee. Newly elected Zone Representatives will vote in this election.

Elections: Nominations will be accepted in the order of Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President. Each candidate will have 5 minutes of time at the podium. This time can be used by either the nominator or the candidate. The person seconding the nomination cannot speak to the nomination. Nominations from the floor require the signed consent to run forms. Nominees from the floor will also be allotted 5 minutes in the same manner as the formal slate of officers. The committee noted that it received relatively few nominations this year. The committee also expressed concern about this trend and the effect it could have on the ability of the organization governing itself. The possible addition of a "Executive Director" to the organization could help with this problem by decreasing the burden on the volunteers in particular, the president.

Election of the Zone Chairperson: The committee voted 5 to 3 to recommend the adoption of the legislation which would have the election of the Zone Committee Chairperson be by the election of the House of Delegates.

Zone reports: Several zones collect funds to cover a portion of the expenses of either a delegate from a small/underfunded LMSC or the chairman of the zone. Several collect 25 cents per registration for this fund. Most zones have championship meets in all three courses.

Stephanie thanked all of the Zone Representatives for their timely communications regarding the election and nomination process.

Respectively submitted for the committee,

Leo Letendre

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