2003 USMS National Elections

Sally Dillon - Candidate for Secretary

Sally Dillon

Why are you interested in being USMS Secretary and why do you believe you would be a good candidate.

I would like to continue in my service to USMS. I feel I have made excellent contributions by serving on the Executive Committee these past two years.

What do you consider to be the major issues facing USMS now and in the future. As a member of the USMS Executive Committee, how would you address these issues.

A huge issue is the control of our finances while, at the same time, increasing our service to the membership by improving programs at the local level. As a member of the EC I will continue with the goal of getting a focus for all levels of USMS. As secretary I will make every effort to keep the membership informed.

Please list any other experience that relates to your qualifications for office.

I have experience taking minutes at meetings and have coordinated large mailings. I have conducted surveys and compiled handbooks and manuals. I have led workshops, chaired meetings and conducted special events for various organizations.

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