USMS Top 10

2024 USMS Top 10 SCY Relays for Pacific Northwest LMSC

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Refer to the official USMS published results to resolve any discrepancy. Report any errors to Mary Beth Windrath.

Men 25+ SCY (2024)

 Place  Event  Club  LMSC  Swimmers (age)  Time 
 3  200 Free Relay  PSM  Pacific Northwest  Roman Rybin (33)
 Brian Woodbury (27)
 Sivan K Mehta (29)
 Alex R Repeta (25) 
 6  200 Medley Relay  PSM  Pacific Northwest  Sivan K Mehta (29)
 Brian Woodbury (27)
 Roman Rybin (33)
 Alex R Repeta (25) 

Women 75+ SCY (2024)

 Place  Event  Club  LMSC  Swimmers (age)  Time 
 1  200 Medley Relay  PSM  Pacific Northwest  Mary D Tuffley (75)
 Kate Meyers (75)
 Andrea M Hunt (75)
 Linda Sohlberg (75) 

Mixed 75+ SCY (2024)

 Place  Event  Club  LMSC  Swimmers (age)  Time 
 3  200 Free Relay  PSM  Pacific Northwest  Kate Meyers (75)
 Bill Galvani (76)
 Andrea M Hunt (75)
 Dennis L Sawyer (79) 
 3  200 Medley Relay  PSM  Pacific Northwest  Andrea M Hunt (75)
 Dennis L Sawyer (79)
 Kate Meyers (75)
 Bill Galvani (76) 