USMS Workout Thursday, September 25

by Clay Evans (missing were two of my co-coaches)

San Mateo High School - San Francisco Convention

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LANE 1 & 2 LANE 3 & 4 LANE 5 & 6 Comments
Warm up: 12 X 50: 6 @ :50, 6 @ :45 10 X 50: 5 @ :55, 5 @ :50 8 X 50: 4 @ 1:00, 4 @ :55 Relax, get organized and lets swim. Sorry about the crowds. A total of 49 swimmers swam in four lanes. That's an average of 8 per lane. The fast lane left every 3 seconds.
Warm up #2: 6 X 50 @ :50 6 X 50 @ :50 5 X 50 @ 1:00 Least number of breaths per 50 on all but next to last. Breathe all you want and go easy on next to last. Get ready for last one - least breaths of all (4 swimmers made a it with no breaths, 5 with one breath, 8 with two breaths, ~ 10 with three, ~ 10 with four and there were 5 smokers in the group)
Mini Prep Set: 4 X 50 @ :35 3 X 50 @ :40 (or :45) 3 X 50 @ :50 (or :55)
Easy 50: Hear the bad news about the next set
Main Set #1: 8 x 100 @ S.R. 7 x 100 @ S.R. 6 x 100 @ S.R. S.R.: "Short Rest", this is the shortest rest possible - the best interval you can do. Maintain a good pace so that you can make all your 100s. Lane one had everyone make 1:10, lane two was on 1:15, 3: on 1:20/1:25, 4: on 130/135, 5 on 145, 6 on 1:50. Great set everyone! That's how to get some aerobic work under your belt!
Kick Break: 200 200 200 Sorry about sharing the boards. Take an easy kick, a great break from the set above.
Main Set #2: 5 x 100 @ S.R. (-5 sec.) 5 x 100 @ S.R. (-5 sec.) 4 x 100 @ S.R. (-5 sec.) All of you made a faster interval. Great job! The fast lane had 6 swimmers make an astounding 1:05.
Kick Break: 200 200 200 More boards are available. Some weenies are getting out. Again: take an easy kick, and relax from the set above.
Last Set #3: 3 x 100 @ S.R. (-5 sec.) 2 x 100 @ S.R. (-5 sec.) 2 x 100 @ S.R. (-5 sec.) Your last chance for stardom! Go for the best possible interval you can make. Two swimmers in the fast lane made a 1:03 for 3!! Great job for everyone who stayed in.
Easy loosen: 100 100 100  

Thanks for a great workout - you guys were a pleasure to coach!


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