Start a USMS Club
Why and how to register or renew a club
Do you live in an area that doesn’t have a USMS club? Are you interested in starting one at your local pool? Are you a facility director seeking programming for your aquatics facility? USMS can help!
There are more than 1,500 USMS adult swimming programs throughout the United States. They’re located in YMCAs, parks and rec centers, community centers, community colleges, universities, and private athletic clubs. Some of the programs are run by the facilities and some by coaches or clubs who rent pool space. Some USMS programs don’t use a pool at all—their members practice only in open water.
Pretty much anywhere you can find swimmable water, you can find swimmers. And USMS programs can be created to suit the goals of any group of adult swimmers, whether they want to swim for fun, fitness, weight loss, competition, or all of the above. Our club and coach services staff at the National Office can help you start and strategically develop your program. Contact us via email or at 941-256-8767 and let us know how we can help.
For additional information, read our Building a Successful Swim Program guide to starting and maintaining a viable, self-sustaining adult fitness swim program. The Adult Swim Program Resources guide is also available for aquatics directors, facility administrators, program coordinators, swim instructors, and coaches.
Here are some other helpful pages to get you ready for the club registration