Sports Medicine Committee

September 25, 1997

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Committee Members Present: Jim Miller, MD (acting Chairperson), Jessica Seaton DC (Recorder), Betty Ann Levine, Tom McCabe, Don Mehl, Jane A. Moore, MD, Ed Nessel, George Quigley, MD, Patty Redy, Tina Talbot. 27 other USMS members were also present.

Action Items

  • The Sports Medicine committee proposes that a member from this committee be included as an active member of the Foundation Committee, which at this point in time is a part of the Planning Committee.
  • The Sports Medicine committee would like the complete, uncut articles, including references which now appear in SWIM to appear on the USMS web page. This committee also would like a disclaimer to appear in this section of the web.
  • The Sports Medicine committee proposes that the disclaimer that appears on the web preceding the sports medicine articles read as follows: (Jeanne Crouse will submit to Jim Miller, MD and Jessica Seaton, DC a copy of the exact legal wording).
  • For marketing and outreach purposes, the Sports Medicine committee proposes reaching out to other sports organizations, by exchanging information related to our areas of expertise. This may include having articles published in their publications and getting on their mailing list. Suggested organizations:
  • American Swimming Magazine
  • National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity
  • International Competitive Water Running Association
  • Swimming World
  • Fitness Swimmer Magazine
  • Trifed
  • And others
Action Items Affecting Legislation

The Sports Medicine committee proposes changing its name to The Sports Medicine Committee with the following description:

Page 76 Article 506.2.18
Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee - The Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee shall research, and advise, and educate USMS and its members on the subjects related to sports medicine, health, and safety. The committee shall also stimulate and encourage research in the health benefits, medical problems, physiology, and psychology of Masters Swimming.

Rationale: With the acceptance of the Safety Education Committee as a standing committee, a name change is necessary. The changes in the description of the committee more accurately reflects the committee's activities which are not restricted to stimulating research. As health is an integral part of sports medicine, inclusion of the word "Health" is not necessary.

If it is not approved to have the Safety and Education committee be a standing USMS committee, the Sports Medicine committee proposes the following name change with descriptive change:

Page 76 Article 506.2.18
Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee - The Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee shall research, and advise, and educate USMS and its members on the subjects related to sports medicine, health, and safety. The committee shall also stimulate and encourage research in the health benefits, medical problems, physiology, and psychology of Masters Swimming.

Rationale: The change in the description of the committee more accurately reflects the committee's activities which are not restricted to stimulating research. As health is an integral part of sports medicine, inclusion of the word "Health" is not necessary in the committee name or description.

Minutes of the Sports Medicine Committee

10:35 Meeting begins.


Jim Miller, MD, acting chairperson.


A. SWIM Magazine Articles
Jim Miller, MD, thanked the authors of previous articles. He said that the system worked very well and that we were actually ahead of schedule. Authors submit articles to Dr. Miller where they are then edited with the author before they are then submitted to Scott Rabalais, USMS editor of SWIM magazine. At this point the article is again edited for space. Having the author involved was felt to encourage medical accuracy.

1. Report on articles under way
(a) Dr. Jane Moore submitted an updated article on exercise and pregnancy.
(b) Ed Nessel will be writing an article on performance enhancing substances (ergogenic aids). He will include the basics, i.e. proper hydration, nutrition, and training, and review substances such as caffeine and creatine as well.

2. Report on prior articles this year
There was a strong feeling that articles in SWIM should include more substance. Many felt that the articles were too short to have the depth that the swimmers and coaches desired. It was suggested that enough space be allotted so that articles could include both the basics and more detailed information. It was also suggested that the articles appeal to all levels of swimmer: from fitness swimmers to elite swimmers.

B. Report of Sports Medicine Lecture - Dr. Jane Moore
Dr. Moore reported that there will be two Sports Medicine lectures this afternoon at 4:00 pm. Both presenters are from the International Center for Aquatics Research. The topics are:
a) Overtraining
b) Biomechanics of Drag in Swimming
Dr. Moore stated that there was supposed to be a third lecture, but that had to be canceled because of a scheduling conflict.

C. Foundation
Nancy Miller from the Planning committee gave the Sports Medicine committee an update. At this time the paperwork is in the hands of Doug Church of the Finance committee. Various tax and legal issues have been and are still being worked out. Once the Foundation is up and running, it will require people to run it. Aside from an individual dealing with the financial and administrative tasks, the Sports Medicine committee suggested that a member of the Sports Medicine committee also be a voting member of the Foundation.

Motion: The Sports Medicine committee proposes that a member from this committee be included as an active member of the Foundation Committee, which at this point in time is a part of the Planning Committee. Moore/Quigley. Motion accepted BA.

D. First Masters Training Camp at Colorado Springs
Nancy Miller reported for Judy Bonning, who was in charge of this project, but has since moved to Australia. Last year the Sports Medicine committee approved a trial run of having a camp for masters swimmers at the Colorado Springs training center. The camp was held and included 17 swimmers. Judy Bonning was the head coach. Problems included not having the flume available (was down), not having biochemical profiles available, and available protocols for masters swimmers at such a facility. Overall it was felt that the experience was positive, it represented a foot in the door, and we will continue to pursue this project. Suggestions for the future include:

  • Accept applications through various USMS bodies such as an LMSC, or a particular club. A ready-made infrastructure would make communication with the facilities organizers easier.
  • Information packets for swimmers attending the camp. Clarify that the camp is a stroke clinic, not a work-out camp. Once the program is running smoothly, the idea is to bring it to other locations throughout the country.


A. Presentation of New Articles and Authors
1. How to avoid spinal injuries from rotating the body improperly. Dr. Miller contacted last year's suggested author, but received no reply. He will try again with the help from Dr. Moore.
2. Heart Rate Training. The article will include how to use the heart rate monitor, research from track and triathlons as it applies to swimming. This article will be written by Wayne McCauley and Michael Collins. Due August 1998.
3. Overtraining, how much is too much, especially with the older athlete in mind. Article will include some aspects of the physiology of aging. This article will be written by Dr. Jane Moore. Due February 1998.
4. Neck and Back Injuries in Swimming. Article will be written by Dr. Jessica Seaton. Due March 1998.
5. Positive and negative effects of NSAIDS (Advil, etc.). Article will be written by Ed Nessel. Due date unclear.
6. Balancing a job and swimming. A sports psychology article focusing on one's ability to focus and being on the edge of burnout. Or How to Swim and Have a Life. Article will be written by Mo Chambers and Brian Stack. Due January. 1998.
7. An article was proposed to deal with the physiology of tapering, as well as with how often someone can taper in a particular period of time. No author was found.

Motion: The Sports Medicine committee would like the complete, uncut articles, including references which now appear in SWIM to appear on the USMS web page. This committee also would like a disclaimer to appear in this section of the web. Quigley/Moore. Approved BA.

Motion: The Sports Medicine committee proposes that the disclaimer that appears on the web preceding the sports medicine articles read as follows: (Jeanne Crouse will submit to Jim Miller, MD and Jessica Seaton, DC a copy of the exact legal wording). Quigley/Moore. Approved BA.

B. New Contacts Reaching Out and Marketing
It was felt that it was important to reach out and educate others about our sport through information dissemination.

Motion: For marketing and outreach purposes, the Sports Medicine committee proposes reaching out to other sports organizations, by exchanging information related to our areas of expertise. This may include having articles published in their publications and getting on their mailing list.

Suggested organizations:

  • American Swimming Magazine
  • National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity
  • International Competitive Water Running Association
  • Swimming World
  • Fitness Swimmer Magazine
  • Trifed
  • And others
Stack/Moore. Passed BA.

C. Review of Proposed Legislative Changes and Emergency Rule Proposals Pertinent to Sports Medicine
Splitting off of the Safety committee to be its own standing committee. Dr. Jane Moore discussed the perspective of the Legislative committee. Input from Insurance committee was also heard. The Sports Medicine committee has always been in favor of splitting off the Safety committee. New wording for the Sports Medicine committee was proposed:

Page 76 Article 506.2.18
Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee - The Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee shall research, and advise, and educate USMS and its members on the subjects related to sports medicine, health, and safety. The committee shall also stimulate and encourage research in the health benefits, medical problems, physiology, and psychology of Masters Swimming.

Rationale: With the acceptance of the Safety Education Committee as a standing committee, a name change is necessary. The changes in the description of the committee more accurately reflects the committee's activities which are not restricted to stimulating research. As health is an integral part of sports medicine, inclusion of the word "Health" is not necessary.

If it is not approved to have the Safety and Education committee be a standing USMS committee, the Sports Medicine committee proposes the following name change with descriptive change:

Page 76 Article 506.2.18
Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee - The Sports Medicine, Health, and Safety Committee shall research, and advise, and educate USMS and its members on the subjects related to sports medicine, health, and safety. The committee shall also stimulate and encourage research in the health benefits, medical problems, physiology, and psychology of Masters Swimming.

Rationale: The change in the description of the committee more accurately reflects the committee's activities which are not restricted to stimulating research. As health is an integral part of sports medicine, inclusion of the word "Health" is not necessary in the committee name or description.

Motion passed BA.

12:20 Meeting adjourned.

These minutes have been respectfully submitted by Jessica Seaton, DC.

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