Club Contact Information
What you need to know about this important role
The club contact is a very important role within a club. They are the communication and information hub that connects USMS, the club's coaches, members, and admin, and prospective members.
We have outlined a few details on what the club contact can do with their club on, what communications they receive, what happens when they want to transfer their role to someone else, and how they can manage their visibility on Club Finder.
What they can do on
All club contacts will now be required to have a USMS account. This helps verify the club contact email address is input correctly as there is an email verification/password setup step. Once you have an account, you can log into the club dashboard and:
- Register or renew a club
- Update the club's information and Club Finder listing
- Transfer the club contact role to someone else
Communications they receive
Club contacts cannot opt out of USMS communications as many of their emails will come from prospective members on the Contact Us form on their club detail page.
- Important USMS updates and marketing campaigns they could be featured in
- Club renewal information, including receipts
- Club surveys
- Club contest information
- Prospective member emails
Transfer role to another person
If the current club contact is stepping down, here is how to transfer their role and what happens when they do.
If the new person is a member or has a My Account
- Go to the club dashboard
- Open the Club Contact section
- Select "Someone else is the club contact" button
- Search for their name in the search bar
- Select them, hit Confirm, then Save and Continue
- Go to the bottom of the page and hit Submit Update
- As soon as you hit Submit Update, the new contact will receive an email alerting them that they can log in and you will no longer be the contact or have access to update the club
If the new person is not a member or does not have a My Account
NOTE: the club cannot complete registration until the new contact has completed their My Account set up.
- Go to the club dashboard
- Open the Club Contact section
- Select "Someone else is the club contact" button
- Instead of searching for them in the search bar, hit Add New
- Input their contact information in the boxes
- Hit Confirm, you will then see that they have red Account Pending text above their name to let you know they have not created their account
- Hit Save and Continue
- The new contact will receive an email alerting them they need to finish creating a an account by creating a password (the club cannot register with this new person as the contact until they finishing creating their account)
- They click the link, create a password, and log in to My Account
- As soon as they log in, they will have access to update the club along with you until the club update/payment occurs and then is approved by USMS
- Once approved, you and any other club administrator will no longer have access to update the club and you will receive an email notifying you the new contact has taken over
- Until you receive that email, you are still the official contact
Manage their visibility on Club Finder
A club contact can choose whether they want their name, email address, or phone number listed on Club Finder. Their email address will still receive emails from USMS and the Contact Us form on the club detail page but it just won't be visible on We recommend the name and email are listed. If they want to update any of those three pieces of information, they would just go to the club dashboard, open the Club Contact section and either check or uncheck the box next to the piece of information they want to update and then hit Save and Continue and Submit Update. It might take a couple of days for the change to go into effect.
Other Notes
- If the club contact is a USMS member or has a My Account but does not want to use the email tied to their personal My Account as the club contact email. Instead, they want to use a generic club email, they would go into the Club Contact section and select “Someone else is the contact”. From there, they would be able to select a first name, last name, email, phone number, city, and state. These could all be generic club items but you would need to make sure the email address is one that people check.
- A club contact should be someone who checks their email at least once a day because potential members are often looking for information about practices in the coming days. If it takes longer than a day to respond, they may try another club in the area or miss their window to swim, if they are a drop-in.