USMS Clinic Course for Coaches Information and Schedule
Are you seeking a deeper dive into the mysteries of the four competitive strokes with your swimmers? Do you want to create fundraising opportunities for your facility? How about meeting the demand for more regional stroke clinics in your LMSC? Looking for more professional development opportunities as a coach?
USMS's Clinic Course for Coaches will show you how to conceptualize, organize, market, and deliver stroke development clinics. This course is offered to USMS-certified Masters coaches and ALTS instructors only, and current USMS registration is required. The course consists of both classroom and on-deck components and is limited to 12 coaches and instructors.
In the classroom, you'll learn how to structure a stroke development clinic based on the type and length of time of the clinic, swimming pool configuration, lane space availability, and number of swimmers attending. You'll also learn how to deliver a drill/swim progression for each of the four competitive strokes, which will help your swimmers improve their stroke technique long after they attend one of your clinics.
The on-deck portion of the class is delivered immediately after the classroom portion or the following day during a USMS Stroke Development Clinic. This gives you practical experience, under the guidance of experienced coach and instructor trainers.
Benefits of this course to coaches and instructors include:
- Increased skill level of coaching stroke development and stroke technique improvement
- Professional development opportunities
- Revenue generation, new member recruitment, and member retention
- Becoming a resource for others who want to engage the services of a trained stroke clinician
Virtual Calendar
Our virtual calendar allows coaches and attendees to explore Clinic Course for Coaches, Coach Certification Levels 2 and 3 (Level 1 is a virtual course), ALTS Instructor Certification and Stroke Development Clinics all in one place. It is recommended that coaches sign up for an account and use it to login to Sched to register for courses (registration links are posted when available), learn about speakers, discover who will be attending, and indicate their plans to attend. You can sync course details to your phone or calendar. If you have further questions contact Club and Coach Services via email or phone at 941-256-8767.
The virtual calendar defaults to the EDT time zone. You can choose your preferred time zone within your Sched account settings. Please note the appropriate meeting times for the location's specific time zone.
Prior Clinic Course for Coaches
View available information of prior Clinic Course for Coaches
Previous Clinic Course for Coaches
September 28-29, San Rafael/Novato
August 17-18, Augusta, GA
May 17-18, Salt Lake City, UT
May 4-5, Wilmington, NC
April 6 - 7, Cleveland, OH
February 24 - 25, Phoenix, AZ
December 2 - 3, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
November 4 - 5, Houston, TX
October 14 - 15, Boston, MA
September 30 - October 1, Sacramento, CA
September 23 - 24, Richmond, VA
March 20 - 21, Ventura, CA
March 25 - 26, New Providence, NJ
April 15 - 16, Atlanta, GA
Feb. 18 - 19, Dallas, TX
Jan 28 - 29, New Orleans, LA
Dec 3-4, San Jose, CA
October 1-2, Milwaukee, WI
October 29-30, Hood River, OR
September 10-11, Charlotte, NC
May 14-15, Redwood City, CA
Jan. 29-30, Orlando, FL
Feb. 5-6, Glendale, CA
Dec. 11-12, Raleigh, NC
Nov. 20-21, Boston, MA
Oct. 23-24, Chicago, IL
Feb. 15-16, Louisville, KY
Jan. 25-26, Orlando, FL
Dec. 7–8, Sacramento, CA
Nov. 16–17, Atlanta, GA
Nov. 1-2, Salt Lake City, UT
Oct. 19–20, New York, NY
Oct. 12–13, Los Angeles, CA
Oct. 5-6, Denver, Colo
Sep. 7, San Diego, CA
Aug. 31, Charlotte, NC
June 8–9, Seattle, WA
May 18–19, Buffalo, NY
May 4–5, Washington DC
April 6–7, Boston, MA
March 30-31, Columbus, OH
March 30-31, Coeur d'Alene, ID
March 23–24, Houston, TX
March 16, 2019, Albuquerque, NM
Feb 23, 2019, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Feb 16, 2019, Phoenix, AZ
Dec. 1–2, San Francisco, CA
Nov. 3–4, Los Angeles, CA
Oct. 13–14, Indianapolis, IN
Sept. 15–16, Portland, OR
Aug. 25–26, Chicago, IL
May 19–20, Denver, CO
April 14–15, Boston, MA
April 7–8, Bridgewater, NJ
Feb. 24–25, Washington, DC
Jan. 27–28, Austin, TX