Appendix B of the USMS Rule Book provides guidelines for conducting USMS meets as dual-sanctioned meets with USA Swimming. A dual-sanctioned meet is a USMS sanctioned meet conducted simultaneously with a USA Swimming sanctioned meet. For more information see the Official Interpretations Regarding Dual-Sanctioned Meets.


  • Swimmers may represent only one organization for the entire competition. Swimmers who hold memberships in both USA Swimming and USMS must select only one organization to represent for the entire competition.  A Declaration of Intent form may be used to document which organization the swimmer intends to represent.
  • If a swimmer is entered as a USA Swimming athlete, then that swimmer is ineligible to compete as a USMS member.
  • If a swimmer enters the USA Swimming portion of the competition as a USA Swimming athlete and later decides to change affiliation, the swimmer must withdraw the USA Swimming entry and then submit a valid USMS entry prior to the USMS entry deadline.

Basic Principles

  • USA Swimming athletes are competing under USA Swimming sanction in accordance with USA
    Swimming Rules and Regulations, while USMS athletes are competing under USMS sanction in
    accordance with USMS Rules and Regulations. No swimmer is competing under both sanctions at
    the same time.
  • The USA Swimming and USMS portions of the competition must be clearly defined, even when
    swimmers are competing together in the same heats (see appendix B).
  • The process for obtaining a USMS sanction is always the same. The regulations apply to standalone meets and to dual-sanctioned meets held in conjunction with a USA Swimming sanctioned meet. All of the regulations regarding sanctioning, entries, and meet information must be followed for either type of meet.

Before the Meet

Check Pool Measurements

Determine whether the pool is on the USMS measured pools list. Make sure that the pool is long enough to accommodate touch pads. (look at the right-most columns in the spreadsheet)

  • If the pool is not on the USMS list, then USMS must receive valid pool measurements before the times can count for USMS Top 10 and national records. The sanction may be granted before the measurements are received, but the meet must be marked in the USMS database as “pool does not meet requirements” until valid measurements are received.

  • If the pool is on the USMS list, and is a fixed-wall course, no additional pool measurements are required.

  • If the pool is on the USMS list, and is a BULKHEAD COURSE, then the measurement requirements at the meet are as follows:

    • Proper bulkhead placement must be confirmed before the meet by course measurement of the two outside lanes and a middle lane (instructions are on pool measurement form, referenced below).

    • Bulkhead placement must be re-confirmed after each session of the meet (instructions are on pool measurement form)

Create the Meet Announcement and Entry Form
  • Definition: The meet announcement contains all the meet information. Ideally, this is a PDF, accessible to entrants on the web, separate from the meet entry webpage. The meet entry webpage can link to the meet announcement pdf and vice versa.

  • Requirement for Meet Announcement: Sanction applications from meet or event hosts shall be accompanied by the meet announcement. (article 108.1.1)

  • Template Meet Announcement: LMSC Standards require that meet announcements for sanctioned meets contain all required elements. A template meet announcement is available on this webpage. This template contains all the necessary elements and uses color coding to differentiate between required and optional information.

  • Mandatory Elements – Each item below is fully explained in the Overview and General Sanction Information document and Template Meet Announcement:

If time trials are offered describe events and format (article 102.5.6)

Apply for the Sanction

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, pool and open water event sanction fees have been eliminated. Refer to the Sanction Fee Grid for more information. Your LMSC may charge local fees (sanction and/or one-event), please contact your LMSC Sanction Chair about fees associated with hosting a meet.

Apply for a sanction from U.S. Masters Swimming because a sanctioned meet receives insurance coverage from USMS (general liability insurance and secondary participant accident coverage). Dual-sanctioned events must obtain sanctions from both USMS and USA Swimming. Both sanctions must be held by the USA Swimming host organization. It is recommended that the same person who applied for the USA Swimming sanction also apply for the USMS sanction. The USA Swimming meet director must be in agreement that the meet is to be dual-sanctioned with USMS.

Sanction an Event Application

Instructions for event directors to fill out the online sanction request form:

Request a Certificate of Insurance (if requested by the facility)
If the facility where the event is being held requires that a Certificate of Insurance be provided, a certificate may be obtained from USMS.

During the Meet

U.S. Masters Swimming Rule Book

A copy of the USMS Rule Book must be accessible at the meet. The Rule Book can be viewed online. If there are any discrepancies between the online version and the printed publication, the online version will take precedence. 

Printed versions of the official publication can be purchased from the National Office for $12 per copy for shipping and handling ($8 per copy for a mini Rule Book). USMS will strive to process and fulfill orders as soon as possible.

Order 2025 Mini Rule Book(s)
Order 2025 Full Rule Book(s)

Pool Length Form and Measurement Procedures

Review the complete Pool Length Form and Measurement Procedures.

  •  Completed forms shall be sent to the LMSC Top Ten Recorder.
  • If a pool being considered for a sanctioned or recognized competition is NOT on file with the USMS National Swims Coordinator, the Pool Length Certification Form should be submitted prior to competition (ideally before it is sanctioned or recognized).
  • To add the pool to the USMS List of Measured Pools, email the Pool Length Certification Form to the USMS National Swims Coordinator,  

For bulkhead pools, the pool needs to be measured BEFORE the meet and AFTER each session in which USMS members swam to confirm the bulkhead placement. The instructions are on the form. After it is filled out, email the form to: and to the local LMSC Top 10 recorder. (Current list of LMSC Top Ten Recorders)


Pool Length Certification Form
(PDF version)


Pool Length Certification Form
(word version)

Record Application for USMS and/or World Record
  • World Records are due within 30 days of the swim. USMS Records are due within 90 days of the end of the season of the swim. Records can only be set in freshwater pools. It is better to submit all record applications as soon as possible.

  • Complete instructions can be found on the Application for USMS and/or World Record form.

    • If a USMS or world record is set, the meet referee needs to sign the Application for USMS and/or World Record form. 

    • Send the completed information to the USMS National Swims Coordinator via email at

  • The record application will need a printout from the timing system for the heat in which the record is set. Sometimes meets don't have printers attached to their timing system, so it's important to make sure there is a way to do this.

  • A heat sheet showing the lane assignment of the swimmer needs to be included.

  • If the meet has Omega timing that publishes results on the web, in the past USMS has accepted the web published printout from the Omega timing.

Declaration of Intent Form

In a dual sanctioned meet, swimmers who hold memberships in both USA Swimming and USMS must select only one organization to represent for the entire competition.  A Declaration of Intent form may be used to document which organization the swimmer intends to represent. The swimmer should submit this form with their meet entry indicating that they are representing USA Swimming or USMS. If the swimmer wishes to change their representation, an updated form may be submitted prior to the USMS entry deadline.

Declaration of Intent form

The swimmer will need to print this form, fill it out, sign it, and give it to the meet director at the time of his entry. The swimmer should ALSO submit a copy of this form to the LMSC Top 10 Recorder (in the LMSC that granted the sanction).

If prior to the USMS entry deadline, a swimmer who originally entered the meet as a USA swimmer declares his intent to compete as a USMS swimmer, the meet host should ensure that the swimmer’s USMS registration ID and USMS team name is updated in the meet database so that their USMS status is displayed correctly on the meet program and results.


After the Meet

Submit Meet Results to USMS

For more information, refer to:

Direct any questions about this process to USMS Event Services via email,

Last updated March 11, 2025