LMSC Donations
Starting Jan. 1, 2024, LMSCs will be required to comply with the appropriate state regulations before USMS will collect donations through online registration. Many states have laws regulating the solicitation of donations. We realize that this is an extra step for some LMSCs that wish to receive donations and haven’t completed their state process previously, particularly those that span multiple states. However, this is an important step to ensure LMSCs are compliant with state laws.
Information for charitable solicitations for your LMSC’s state(s) can be found on the IRS website. We recommend reaching out to a local expert for more information.
What LMSCs need to do:
If an LMSC is in a state or states that has no requirement. Simply inform Volunteer Services that there is no requirement, and we will update our records accordingly.
If your LMSC needs to register with the appropriate state agency. Once your LMSC has been approved by your state or states, inform Volunteer Services with any necessary documentation, and we will update our records accordingly.
In the event an LMSC decides not to take donations or has yet to notify the National Office of state compliance requirements, on Jan. 1, 2024 the LMSC donation field won’t be available to members registering in that LMSC. (i.e., no funds will be collected/held).
Volunteer Services is available via phone (941) 256-8767 or via email volunteer@usmastersswimming.org.