Presentations and Session Resources
Notes and discussion around community development
Check out the presentations related to community development on our Relay 2024 Community forum. You can continue the discussion and ask questions to the presenters there.
- Adult Learn-to-Swim Overview - Learn about the "nuts & bolts" of the Adult Learn to Swim program in a classroom setting and observe an ALTS lesson with certified instructors and local non-swimmers in the hotel pool.
- Lead instructor: Bill Meier. Assistant instructors: Megan Lassen, and Kerry O’Brien
- Lead instructor: Bill Meier. Assistant instructors: Megan Lassen, and Kerry O’Brien
- USMS Marketing for Clubs & LMSCs - Describe USMS marketing initiatives and tools, including Try Masters Swimming, Club Finder, Calendar of Events, and club, coach and event development resources.
- Speakers: Jay Eckert, Kyle Deery, Bill Brenner
- Speakers: Jay Eckert, Kyle Deery, Bill Brenner
- USMS 101 for New Volunteers - Overview of USMS's guiding principles, strategic priorities, and local and national volunteer opportunities.
- Speakers: Doug Garcia, Kenny Brisbin
- Speakers: Doug Garcia, Kenny Brisbin
- Relay & National Coaches Clinic Kick-Off
- Speakers: Ed Coates
- Speakers: Ed Coates
- Community via Competition - Discuss how pool meets, open water events, virtual national championships, and informal competition during workouts or elsewhere can help build community.
- Speakers: Karyn Austin (SWAG), Ed Tzusuki (NJ), Bob Bruce (OR)
- Speakers: Karyn Austin (SWAG), Ed Tzusuki (NJ), Bob Bruce (OR)
- Leadership Skills Workshop - Best practices for LMSC and club leaders. Creating a vision, structure, operating plan, and succession plan. Running meetings, making decisions, resolving conflicts, and managing the "nuts & bolts" of your organization.
- Ian King (large LMSC), Doug Garcia (medium LMSC), Ann Marshfield (small LMSC)
- Ian King (large LMSC), Doug Garcia (medium LMSC), Ann Marshfield (small LMSC)
- Bridging the Generation Gap - The past, present and future of USMS - College Club Swimming collaboration, including combined events, bridge memberships, and potential benefits to both organizations.
- Speakers: Jason Weis, Maddie Sibilia, Onshalee Promchitmart, CCS Adv Bd member David Chen ('24), and URI Swim Club President Casey McQuesten ('25)
- Speakers: Jason Weis, Maddie Sibilia, Onshalee Promchitmart, CCS Adv Bd member David Chen ('24), and URI Swim Club President Casey McQuesten ('25)
- Volunteer Engagement - Tips and best practices for recruiting, engaging, and retaining volunteers.
- Speakers: Tom Moore (MN), John King (Pacific)
- Speakers: Tom Moore (MN), John King (Pacific)
- Lunch and Keynote Speaker -
- Speakers: Dawson Hughes, CEO Strategic Overview
- Speakers: Dawson Hughes, CEO Strategic Overview
- Charity Events Roundtable - Discussion and examples of the power of charitable causes, how charity swim events can build community, and why swimmers, governance leaders, and clubs benefit from hosting, supporting, and participating in charity events.
- Speakers: USA Swimming Foundation: Elaine Calip, Swim Across America: Rob Butcher, Charity swims benefiting veterans: Stephen "Scuba" Brown
- Speakers: USA Swimming Foundation: Elaine Calip, Swim Across America: Rob Butcher, Charity swims benefiting veterans: Stephen "Scuba" Brown
- Social Media for Clubs & LMSCs - Best practices for leveraging social media --- Facebook, Instagram, X, Tik Tok --- to build community and target specific types of current and prospective Masters swimmers.
- Speakers: Rendy Opdycke, Caitlyn Gagnon, Kysa Crusco.
- Speakers: Rendy Opdycke, Caitlyn Gagnon, Kysa Crusco.
- Community via Fitness & Education - How non-competitive events can help build community --- e.g., socials, dryland and non-swimming workouts, ALTS and "Bridge to Masters" programs, USMS Education Weekend courses and clinics, USMS resources for independent swimmers.
- Speakers: Bill Brenner, Charlotte Brynn, Brandi Bashor, Del Grant & Abby Dickson.
- Speakers: Bill Brenner, Charlotte Brynn, Brandi Bashor, Del Grant & Abby Dickson.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Practical Tips - Practical tips for how LMSC can incorporate diversity & inclusion best practices into governance processes, clubs & workout groups, events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities.
- Speakers: Jeff Commings
- Speakers: Jeff Commings
- Communication Tools & USMS Resources for Volunteers - Overview of Community Forums, peer-to-peer programs, and website, national committee and national office resources.
- Speakers: Bethany Burchill and Jacky Merianos
- Speakers: Bethany Burchill and Jacky Merianos
- Partnerships & USMS Initiatives Roundtable - Overview of Grown-Up Swimming, College Club Swimming, USA Swimming Foundation, Try Masters Swimming, and USMS sponsors.
- Dawson Hughes, Jay Eckert, Kyle Deery, Brian Robbins, Jeff Strahota (CCS)
- Dawson Hughes, Jay Eckert, Kyle Deery, Brian Robbins, Jeff Strahota (CCS)
- Community via Service - Descriptions and examples of how swimmer and volunteer engagement with community service programs and organizations helps build community.
- Speakers: Carrie Stolar, Bill Meier
- Speakers: Carrie Stolar, Bill Meier
- Relay 2024 Closing Comments & Wrap Up - Closing wrap up and review, attendee comments, and look ahead to future Volunteer Relays.
- Speakers: Doug Sayles, Dawson Hughes, Ed Coates