2001 USMS National Elections
Convention Process

Convention Schedule

Due to the tragic events of September 11 and the inability of delegates to get flights to Dearborn, the 2001 USMS Convention was postponed. The rescheduled convention will be held in Louisville, KY from November 15-18. The revised schedule for the election has now been posted.

Candidate Poster

A poster containing the pictures of all slate candidates will be posted at the check-in table and in the House of Delegates beginning Thursday. A PDF version of the poster is available for viewing.

Committee Report

The nomination of candidates for Executive Committee will take place during the Friday morning House of Delegates meeting from 8:00 - 10:45 am. The Zone Chair will read the report from the nominating committee which consists of the names of the nominated candidates. Candidates will be announced for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer in the order stated.

Floor Nominations

The Zone Chair will then call for nominations from the floor for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer in the order stated. For each office, the nominations will be closed before proceeding to the next office. Floor nominees must sign a consent-to-run and may submit a picture, questionnaire, and/or resume to be distributed to the House of Delegates.


Speeches by and for the candidates will follow the close of nominations. Each candidate will have 5 minutes to be divided as the candidate sees fit between themselves and their nominator.

Candidates' Forum

A "Meet the Candidates" forum will be held on Friday evening from 8:00 - 9:30 pm. A question box will be placed at the check-in table and in the House of Delegates beginning Thursday. Please note that questions should be directed to all candidates nominated for a particular office. After the forum, candidates will be asked to stay for 30 minutes to talk informally with the delegates.


Voting will take place during the Saturday evening House of Delegates session beginning at 5:30 pm. The initial ballot will contain candidates for all offices. Voting will be by roll-call. The Zone Committee will count the ballots. In voting for offices with 3 or more candidates, if no-one receives a majority of the votes, then there will be a run-off between the 2 top vote getters. For the run-off, blank ballots will be distributed and delegates will write the names of the candidate they wish to vote for. The elected officers will be announced as soon as the balloting is completed.

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