2001 USMS National Elections
Executive Committee Duties

All executive committees have their own way of operating to accomplish the task of running USMS. The current committee has developed the following processes to communicate with each other and the rest of USMS:

1. Conference Calls. The current Executive Committee has had monthly conference calls, lasting approximately 2 hours each. The number and length of conference calls will change with the new Executive Committee, but there will probably be some calls. Conference calls are the best way for everyone to know what is going on and to participate in decisions.

2. E-mail messages and copies of e-mail messages. With members of the Executive Committee in various time zones, e-mail is the most efficient way to communicate. In many cases, when appropriate, each member sends a copy of correspondence to the rest of the Executive Committee.

3. Mid-year Meeting. The current Executive Committee is the first to meet in January for three full days. This is a wonderful time to address business in depth. It is the only time when everyone is present and has no other meetings to rush off to.

4. Liaison to three committees. Each member of the current Executive Committee is assigned three committees to work with. This gives the committee chairs a direct link to the Executive Committee. During conference calls, each person can report on activities within their committees so everyone can stay informed.

5. Arrive at convention one day early for Executive Committee meetings.

The Vice President by Jack Geoghegan

The position of Vice President and it's attendant duties and responsiblities depends in great measure upon the President and the relationship between the two individuals. In my experience over a number of Executive Committees, as Legal Counsel and then Vice President, the delegation of responsiblility has depended on events as much as interests of the parties. Certainly, geography has played a part and whenever possible the VP has handled issues or meetings for the President when more convenient or local. Many occassions have benefitted from both officers attending International events and FINA meetings.

On a personal note, while undertaking whatever duties Nancy requested and being available for consultation and our monthly Executive Committee conference call, I worked on the Convention schedule and organization to try to make it more "user friendly" and to free time for interaction of the delegates. The job will expand or contract depending on the events-never foreseeable-of USMS and the relationship between the President and Vice President.

The Secretary by Betsy Durrant

For this executive committee, I have done the following jobs as secretary:

1. January. Finish mailing Committee Chairs handbooks and Working Calendar, if not completed in December. Attend mid-year Executive Committee meeting. Take notes and write up minutes for the meetings.

2. February. Check in with liaison committees if they have not been active. Write up minutes if there is a conference call.

3. April. Get labels for LMSC Chairs and up-dated registration numbers from the national office. Look at number of registrations per LMSC to determine the number of delegates each LMSC will be allotted for the convention. Send first notice to LMSC Chairmen informing them of number of delegates and requesting delegate names.

4. April/May. Give Tracy a list of any new delegates as they come in so she can send convention registration packet.

5. June-August. Follow up with LMSC chairs to get list of delegates, using e-mail, letters, and phone calls. Prepare a preliminary list of delegates for Tracy (for Pre-convention Packets) and for Joann Tingley (certification desk at convention).

6. August-September. Finalize roll for use at convention (sorted by job) and list for Joann (sorted alphabetically). Identify new delegates. Send welcome letter to new delegates and assign new delegates to a mentor.

7. September. Arrive at convention a day early for Executive Committee meetings. Attend committee meetings for which you are Liaison. Take notes during the House of Delegates. Writing up the minutes of the HOD is much easier if you record any changes to the committee reports when the report is given.

8. October-November. Write up minutes from the HOD. Use notes and refer to tapes as needed. Mail minutes to all delegates and others who attended the convention (200+ go out).

9. November-December. Update the Working Calendar. Send it to LMSC Chairs. Update the Committee Chair Handbook (includes Working Calendar) and mail to BOD.

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