2001 USMS National Elections - Election Schedule

The nomination and election processes for this year's elections were set up at the Zone Committee's 2000 Convention meeting in Kissimmee, FL on Friday, October 13. The schedule appeared in the committee minutes and was approved by the House of Delegates on Saturday, October 14.

Pre-Convention Election Schedule

Job Due Date Status
Submit call for nominations to January/February issue of Swim 10/15/00 Done
Post election information on USMS Web Site 1/1/01 Done
Accept nominations for office 2/28/01 Done
Mail questionnaires to candidates 3/1/01 Done
Receive questionnaires from candidates 3/31/01 Done
Mail evaluation forms to Committee Chairs candidates have served under and send requests for personal letters of reference 4/1/01 Done
Receive evaluation forms from Committee Chairs and 2 personal references from each candidate 5/10/01
(4/30/01 deadline extended due to processing issues)
Zone Committee reviews candidate information and chooses slate for election 6/15/01 Done
Post candidate information on election web site 6/15/01 Done
Obtain digital pictures of all successful candidates 7/1/01 Done
Post draft of Election Operating Guidelines on election web site 7/15/01  Done
Submit questionnaires, resumes, and pictures to National Office for convention packet 8/1/01  Done
Begin online collection of questions for Candidates' Forum 8/1/01 Done
Terminate online collection of questions for Candidates' Forum 8/29/01 Done

Convention Election Schedule

Job Due Date Status
Post election bulletin board and question box for Candidates' Forum at convention check-in table 11/15/01  
Nominations for candidates on the slate as well as nominations from the floor in House of Delegates 11/16/01
8:00-10:45 AM
Question box for Candidates Forum closed 11/16/01
12:00 NOON
Working lunch for Zone committee to organized questions for Candidates Forum 11/16/01
12:00-1:00 PM
Candidates Forum 11/16/01
8:00-9:30 PM
Elections 11/17/01
5:20-7:45 PM
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