Club and Workout Group Registration Information
Everything you need to know before you register or renew your club
Clubs are the life-blood of USMS. They provide the everyday connection with many of our members and serve as USMS ambassadors.
In order to help serve our clubs and our members to the highest level, we ask for close to 50 pieces of information from our clubs. This data assists us with organizational decisions, improvements, the creation of marketing campaigns, and more. That is why it is imperative to have accurate information about your club so we can better serve and promote you. Register or renew here.
Registration overview and timeline
Clubs and workout groups register online each year as members of USMS. A club must be registered in order for swimmers to select that club when they join USMS. If you are a workout group, your parent club must register before you can register.
A club may register starting on October 1 for the next year's club registration/membership. The individual swimmer registration year begins on November 1 and runs through December 31 of the following year. (For example, a club may renew its registration in October 2024, for the 2025 registration year; swimmers who join USMS beginning on November 1, 2024, can select that club for their 2025 club affiliation. November and December 2025 are included as part of the individual member's 2024 membership year, and those swimmers would be eligible to participate in events held in November and December 2024 as well as all of 2025.)
It's important to have your club registered before November 1 because, on that date, individual members can begin registering or renewing with USMS for the next membership year. If your club is not registered, it will not appear in the drop-down lists and your members will not be able to register with you.
Every club contact will receive an email with a renewal link in the first week of October that will allow the club to renew its membership online with a credit card. The club fee is $75 for 2025.
Information needed to register a new club or workout group
When you register your club, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- The LMSC you wish to register in
- The club name
- The club abbreviation, as of 2021, must be two to five characters (such as SWIMR). The abbreviation must be unique. Our system will tell you whether your chosen abbreviation is taken, so plan on having a couple of other options in case your first choice is already taken
- The club details about who you are, your practice times, if you want to be publicly listed on the Club Finder, how many members you have, if you use USMS's insurance, if you are affiliated with a USA Swimming club, and what types of swimmers they cater to
- The email address of the club communication representative. This is the person who will receive an email notification every time a new member registers with the club (optional)
- The club's logo and an image. The logo and image can be .jpg, .png, and .gif (optional)
- The website URL for the club’s website and the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter handles (optional)
- The name, email address, and phone number for the club contact. This will be the person who receives the club’s registration payment receipt, the welcome letter, inquiries from the "Contact our Club" form on the club detail page, and various communications throughout the year from USMS and the LMSC. Learn more about the club contact section.
- The club's USMS member coaches (both certified coaches and non-certified coaches) and non-USMS member coaches
- The club's location and pool or open water venue details
- How many and what types of pools are at a certain location (bulkhead and indoor/outdoor)
- If that pool has different configurations (50 meters and 25 yards)
- Has that configuration been USMS certified for events
- Number of lanes within each configuration (8 lanes for 50 meters)
- What type of body of water is the open water venue
- If the open water venue has a cable course on it
- The club's Gold Club Designation questions
Again, this information will provide better information within Club Finder and help members and potential members connect with your club or workout group. Your Club Finder listing will allow you to showcase your facilities and coaches, and provide a direct link for prospective members to email your club contact.
This information also helps us feature clubs for campaigns like our Try Masters Swimming campaign, triathlete campaigns, or geo-targeted promotions.